Osei Rubie Charitable Fund donates 27 laptops during Covid 19 pandemic to students at Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School in Harlem
Most recently in response to the coronavirus epidemic and the need to immediately switch to remote learning for the 1.2 million students attending New York City Public Schools. Osei arranged with Yvonne Thevenot, executive director of STEM Kids NYC (a Black-owned education company that teaches students how to code, engineer, design, and engage in science in experiential learning methods, robotics and creative technologies) to fund the purchase of 27 chromebooks for students attending the Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School in Harlem. This will assist in the technological divide that Black children face with their peers by allowing them to apply the essential equation of learn, comprehend and master, so that they will be able to compete in the fields and industries being birthed through the computer sciences.