Thank you for your donation of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to Marie’s Food Pantry of UNCINY on July 21, 2019. As you may know, Marie’s Food Pantry of UNCINY is a charitable organization organized to provide donated food and care packages, stored in its pantry, directly to the people in some of Haiti’s poorest neighborhoods, specifically in and around the community of Delmas; and to provide cooked meals to those who lack means to prepare meals due to lack of shelter or inadequate housing as determined by the Board of Directors. Your support will and has aided us in furthering our goals.

Marie’s Food Pantry of UNCINY is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.

Again, thank you for your support.
— Marie's Food Pantry of UNCINY

Your Support for the Fighting Hunger Building Hope campaign is enabling the North Gwinnett Co-Op to improve services to those in need in our community. Last Year, the North Gwinnett Co-Op served almost 17,000 people. The need in our community is great. Your gift enabeles the Co-Op to increase the amount of food it distributes wile adding fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need. Additionally, your gift enlarges our space for tutoring and creates a new 10-station computer lab for students and adult education. The goal of the North Gwinnett Co-Op is to end hunger in our community by empowering people to be self sufficient. We are proud and honored to have your support in Fighting Hunger Building Hope. Thank you.
— Kim Phillips, Executive Director, North Gwinnett Co-Op

For the past six years, Future Leaders of Jamaica (FLJ) has provided financial support to some of the top high school students across Jamaica. In 2018, we awarded 36 scholarships, but because of your generous donation, we are able to increase the number of scholarship to 42 in the 2019-2020 school year. In addition, your support will make it possible for us to provide laptops to Grade 10 Students for the upcoming school year.

Thank you for your contribution.
— Future Leaders of Jamaica Board of Directors

We extend our heartiest gratitude to The Osei Rubie Charitable Fund ORCF) for its generous donation to the Rosedale Jets Football Association, Inc. (RJFA).  ORCF’s charitable gift has enabled our organization to continue our first-class service delivery to more than 200 young people in the surrounding Southeast Queens, New York community.  Specifically, the donation was utilized to purchase both home and away football jerseys.  As a result, RJFA gained the flexibility to subsidize the enrollment fees for several players whose families did not have the financial wherewithal.

Furthermore, the financial impact of the donation is rivaled by the indelible impact it has left on the hearts and minds of our scholar-athletes when they learned that the gift was from the vision of Mr. Osei Rubie, a business leader from Southeast Queens, New York.

Again, RJFA forever thank ORCF for the gift that keeps on giving.

— Jacques M. Léandre, Esq., 
President, Rosedale Jets Football Association

I wanted to tell you what a major Impact this exposure had on Sekou’s life for the week of the HBCU tour. When I asked him about the schools he told me he didn’t remember much about any schools but Morehouse and that he really wanted to go that he didn’t have to have a 3.0 and he knew exactly what he needed to do to get there. He was more focused and determined than anything.
— Atiya

I attended this year’s Growing4Ward tour and I was able to do that thanks to your contributions. This tour has given me a family and has helped me find my home for the next 4 years. Before the tour, I was not sure at all what college I would be attending but after attending, I fell in love with Bowie State University and that is where I will be going this upcoming semester majoring in computer science. None of this would be possible without your help so I must thank you Mr. Rubei and National Abstract, you’ve changed a life.
— Isa McDonald