The Osei Rubie Charitable Fund and National Standard Abstract invested a combined $8,000 towards the DC Initiative for youth of color to travel to Washington, DC to interact with their peers and legislators from across the nation.
Rosedale Jets
From enrollment fees to new jerseys for home and away games, the Osei Rubie Charitable Fund helped alleviate the financial strain on parents with a donation of $8,000 to ensure all children regardless of income will play football.
The Struggle is Real Inc.
The combination of academics, the arts, and athletics has garnered overwhelming support from local families searching for wholesome recreation. Through the sponsorship of The Osei Rubie Charitable Fund at $2,500, The Struggle is Real Inc. has expanded its programming to meet growing public demand. The Winter Youth Olympics, Black History Showcase, and annual Generation 15 Day Festival continue to unify the community to achieve a common goal - mobilizing our youth to exceed all expectations.
Chionesu Bakari
Over 300 young black males have successfully completed the mentorship and Rites of Passage program. One hundred percent have graduated from high school. Ninety-six percent are currently enrolled in colleges and universities nationwide.